The Weather Here

The day before yesterday arrived completely becalmed here on the rim,  the air was still and the sun spilled champagne into  the distant haze.

Weather Here

Another spectacular day was unfolding but this one somehow felt different. By the time coffee was finished, the temperature was headed for 30 degrees and beyond, wind velocity was ZERO. The days are usually so comfortable here 2,000 ft. above the lake because of the reliable breeze that fills in and cools the skin.  There would be no breeze today so hammock yoga became the order of the day.

To achieve bliss through hammock yoga a practitioner needs only a well slung hammock, a great view, a good book and a  tall, cool mango smoothie. It is  time very well invested indeed.DSC01778

We survived the  steamy windless day intact to be  entertained by the nightly electrical storms  erupting across the sky.

Yesterday morning openned with the same pattern but we had a plan.  We packed a day bag and made our way down to Paradiso. (Paradiso or paradise is a small backpacker resort with a private beach  and restaurant right on the lake) .

We wound our way through their tropical garden and established ourselves in comfy chairs just  footsteps  from water’s edge. Within seconds we were soothing in the glorious laguna. The shore of the lake is ringed with soft and inviting sand yet within 12 steps it drops off into the aqua abyss.  Imagine yourself free floating in space with a clear blue sky immersed in crystal jade water.

Floating in the laguna is one of our favourite past times and in one day we can easily pass many hours in the water just relaxing and soaking it up.Nicaragua 2016 243

As the afternoon sun found its way across the crater we slowly pulled ourselves away from paradise, “maybe there will be wind up on top”? I exclaimed. We dried off and made our way home.

A beautiful dinner was prepared and the dishes done, a sudden gust forms “maybe there will be wind”?

We had just enough time to get the bathing suits of the line when the banana trees  began bending in the storm. Tropical storms here are regular occurrence but this was exceptional.  An eerie cloud engulfed  the crater and we were now  in its  midst, the temperature dropped like a rock.  Lightening  back lit the scene as the winds hollowed and dogs huddled nearby.

I had never seen lightening that fractures and branches off hitting the earth in a dozen places at once. Massive bolts can even travel sideways across the night crashing into each other. Pure sci fi.

Next the thunder came tumbling up. It seemed to travel coast to coast from the Atlantic, over the jungle all the way to the Pacific , the spectacle  was  now complete and things slowly  began  to calm down.

From our comfy bed we could hear the gentle rains as we drifted in the cool soothing breeze.

From The hammock

There is stillness in the crater this morning so the hammocks are slung just in case.

from joyful travellers


Nicaragua – The Soundtrack


This is a rather noisy place, full of rich sounds that are the inspiration for the latest record album of my imagination. Lay back close your eyes and we will give it a spin on the old turntable:

 The Local Bus – Several times a day it trumpets its arrival and departure with much fanfare and commotion. Only a rookie would miss the bus to town, just listen up and you will know when it is about to depart. Hop on and grab a seat if you can.

Canines- Five dogs reside on this property and their audio contribution only adds modestly to the overall neigbourbood canine chaos that can erupt at any time.

Mangos on Metal Roof- The Timpani arbitrarily booms whenever there is a gust of wind. Soon the mangoes will be ripe and will go directly to the breakfast smoothie.

The Beloved Wind- Whispering   through the bamboo and tall grass it announces the arrival of soothing relief from the heat of the day.

Exotic Birds- An intricate harmony that adds layers rich colours and texture to the song.

Frogs in Pila*- This is almost impossible to define, try to imagine techno ducks from Mars in an echo chamber. They preform daily between 5 and 11 PM in the rainy season. *Pila  a large concrete structure where rain water is collected for your shower.

The Magnificent Monkeys –From the volume of their deep guttural barks one would expect to see gargantuan apes hovering in the trees. Their mating calls echo around the crater randomly throughout the day frightening tourist and children alike. (When finally sighted they are not much bigger than a mature Canadian squirrel).

Mother and Baby

Mother and Baby

Cicadas and other Bugs- A cacophony of crackles, chirps, and whistles that joyfully fill the spaces in between. It makes you contemplate what is really out there under that cover.

Rolling Thunder Review– Off in the distance you can hear the rumble as they barrel roll up through the countryside to rattle your eardrums and shake your foundation. WHO fans insert: “We Won’t Get Fooled  Again”.

Silence- Those welcomed moments of eerie stillness that are interrupted only by the subtle swaying of retirement hammock.From The hammock

I hope that you have enjoyed this musical adventure in Nicaragua.

Pet Sitting At Laguna

This wonderful opportunity brings us to Southern Nicaragua for 4 months, looking after 5 wonderful dogs, a cat, chickens, turkeys and birds (the family).



We find that we have settled into a routine that is most enjoyable, the pets are a pleasure to be around and we care for the home like it were our own. It is so entertaining to watch the different dog personalities at play.

Our biggest challenge has been a lovable rottweiler that believes he is a lap dog. “Down Simba down”.

The  owners are at ease knowing that we are taking good care for their beautiful home and their furry loved ones.

Johanne n Tye

House/pet sitting is very fulfilling, and we  feel privileged for this opportunity.

We would be thrilled to speak with you about future house/pet sitting opportunities and are more than willing travel to meet with you and your pets. Just drop us a line.

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