People and Places

Sometimes only the camera can tell the story. Sometimes we get lucky.

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The Children:

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DSC01963 (2)These kids in Catarina found a very creative way to re purpose your old wheely suitcase.






A few shots of the colour that is everywhere. We do not know  names of these species we just like them!



Chicken Bus Warriors:

Chicken Bus Ready

On The Bus:



The Side Roads of Catarina:








This what Johanne and I experience when we do our weekly fruit and veggie shop in the little village.  Our walk on veggie day is something we look forward to. The local vendors always make it more pleasant with a smile and some laughter.



A Salt Water Shower:

Nicaragua 2016 109

La Boquita



Things That Make Us Chuckle:

All too often you see something and just wish you had your camera at the ready.



Please check back now and then as this page matures and hopefully our photography improves. Comments and feedback are always appreciated.


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