Pet Sitting At Laguna

This wonderful opportunity brings us to Southern Nicaragua for 4 months, looking after 5 wonderful dogs, a cat, chickens, turkeys and birds (the family).



We find that we have settled into a routine that is most enjoyable, the pets are a pleasure to be around and we care for the home like it were our own. It is so entertaining to watch the different dog personalities at play.

Our biggest challenge has been a lovable rottweiler that believes he is a lap dog. “Down Simba down”.

The  owners are at ease knowing that we are taking good care for their beautiful home and their furry loved ones.

Johanne n Tye

House/pet sitting is very fulfilling, and we  feel privileged for this opportunity.

We would be thrilled to speak with you about future house/pet sitting opportunities and are more than willing travel to meet with you and your pets. Just drop us a line.

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