A Tale of Two Geckos – The Book

Doug’s long anticipated book is:

Now on amazon.com

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for Canadians amazon.ca

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What readers are saying:

“This book is a must read for everyone desiring to change their lives and pursue their dreams. I’ll have to re-read it over and over again. These two courageous geckos did it!”


“I predict the Geckomana will take off as  the new trend after reading this book”


“I was just going to read one chapter and get back to what I was doing…I couldn’t put it down.
“Life’s Inspiration” written with love, honesty and experience. Loved it!”

Doug Book Cover


It is our story about how we transformed our lives and is written to entertain and encourage readers to consider the changes they would like in their lives.

Please enjoy our story and kindly share it with a friend.

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John and Susan Pazera
7 years ago

Just ordered it. Looking forward to reading it.

Congratulations! Hope you sell a million!

John and Susan
Boquete , Panama